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  • Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid: Soil Superstars
    Humic Acid vs Fulvic Acid: Soil Superstars Humic acid Vs Fulvic acid, what’s the differense? In the world of soil health and plant nutrition, two substances often steal the spotlight: humic acid and fulvic acid. Soil fertility and plant growth get a major boost from these potent natural wonders. But what exactly are they, and…
  • What is Humic Acid: Nature’s Miracle Worker
    What Is Humic Acid: Nature’s Miracle Worker What Is Humic Acid? Take a soil revitalizer, add a dash of climate-saving potential, and sprinkle in limitless farm yields – that’s the miraculous concoction on the cusp of changing the face of agriculture forever. Sound too good to be true? For millions of years, a quiet powerhouse…
  • Lithium In Drinking Water
    Is Lithium In Drinking Water Beneficial? What Is Lithium? Lithium is a naturally occurring element, specifically an alkali metal, with the atomic number 3. It’s found in trace amounts in various foods, water, and soil. In the context of human health, lithium is most well-known for its use in psychiatry, but it may have broader…

My Story

Lets go back to 2017 – I was in the last semester of college, finishing up my Bachelors degree in Aerospace engineering. Spending most of my time searching and applying for any jobs, dreaming of going to space in a Tesla (or maybe just a rocket ship)…. Continue reading

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