How To Get The Best Sleep Ever: 101 Tips
Do you toss and turn all night long? Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep? If so, you are not alone! Millions of people around the world suffer from insomnia and other sleep-related issues. Thankfully, there are many ways to improve your sleep hygiene and get a good night’s rest. In this blog post, we will discuss 101 different ways to sleep better!
If you’re interested in my exact sleep routine then check out my Magical Sleep Protocol
Let’s get into it!
Table Of Contents
How much sleep do we need?
This can vary depending on age, lifestyle, work schedule, etc. If you find yourself regularly getting less than seven hours of sleep, it might be time to make some changes.
- Infants: 14-17 hours a day
- Kids: 9 hours
- Most adults: 7-8 hours
- Elderly: 7-8 hours
- Bodybuilders/athletes: 9 hours (muscles recover at night)

Sleep Statistics
Before we dive into the sleep hacks, let’s take a look at some sleep statistics.
- 50% of Americans say they feel sleepy during the day.
- According to sleep foundation: 35.2% of all adults in the U.S. report sleeping on average for less than seven hours per night.
- Web MD says: “65% higher death rate for people who regularly slept less than 5 hours on all nights,”
65% higher death rate…. this is crazy! Prioritize your sleep people.

There are many reasons why people struggle with sleep:
For some, it is due to work or family obligations. Others may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to stress, anxiety, or other underlying health issues.
Whatever the reason, lack of sleep can have serious consequences.
Not getting enough sleep can lead to impaired memory and concentration, as well as increased stress levels. I spoke on this in an article for the Clean Beauty Gals
It can also contribute to weight gain, heart disease, and other health problems.
If you are having trouble sleeping, It is important to find ways to improve and get the rest you need!

How to sleep better?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone’s sleep habits are different. However, there are many things you can do to improve your slumber. But to summarize, eat nutritious foods, optimize your environment, and find activities that help you relax.
Below I have gone into much more detail on what this entails.
Sleep also strengthens our immune systems, prevents infection, balances metabolism, regulates appetite, encourages gut microbiomes, and lowers blood pressure, among other benefits.
from Every Victory Counts (Fixed Layout) by Monique Giroux , Sierra Farris, Davis Phinney Foundation, 2017
Scroll down to see the ultimate guide!

Daily Routine
We will start broad – by looking at your daily routine. I believe your sleep is a reflection of how you live your day when you’re awake.
Get Morning sun
Morning sunlight exposure is a simple yet powerful tool for improving sleep quality. When you step outside or sit by a sunny window shortly after waking, you’re doing more than just enjoying the warmth – you’re setting the stage for better sleep that night. This natural light signals to your body that it’s time to be alert and active, effectively resetting your internal clock, or circadian rhythm.
The benefits of this morning ritual are multifaceted. Sunlight suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy, ensuring you feel more awake during the day. As evening approaches, your body will naturally begin to produce melatonin again, making you feel drowsy at the appropriate time. This cycle, initiated by morning light exposure, helps align your sleep-wake patterns with the natural day-night cycle, potentially leading to more restful and restorative sleep.

Caffeine can stay in your system for up to 12 hours so try to avoid caffeine at least six hours before bed. If you’re having issues sleeping, try eliminating caffeine altogether.
According to PubMed, caffeine can reduce sleep time, deep sleep, and perceived sleep quality.
Reduce caffeine intake or prioritize consuming it early in the morning.
Workout (Earlier)
Working out is proven to be one of the best ways to improve your sleep. It helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Exercising also releases endorphins which make us feel happier, so it’s a great way to reduce stress and anxiety in our lives! You can do this by going for a walk or run after work.

Try avoiding a workout right before bed because it can make you feel energized and keep you awake. If this happens then try working out earlier in the day or doing some light stretching before bed instead.
Walk More Consistently
Walking can be a powerful aid for better sleep, offering both physical and mental benefits that promote restful nights.
The moderate aerobic exercise provided by a brisk walk helps tire the body, making it easier to fall asleep when bedtime arrives. It also reduces stress and anxiety, common culprits behind sleepless nights, by releasing endorphins and lowering cortisol levels.
Regular walking, especially outdoors, exposes you to natural light, which helps regulate your circadian rhythm – your body’s internal clock that governs sleep-wake cycles, which we covered above.
Additionally, walking can improve overall health and manage conditions like obesity and high blood pressure, which often contribute to sleep disorders.
For optimal sleep benefits, aim for a 30-minute walk earlier in the day, as evening exercise might be too stimulating for some people.
By incorporating this simple activity into your routine, you’re not just improving your physical fitness, but also paving the way for more restorative sleep.
Try skipping the nap
I think a mid-afternoon nap can be extremely beneficial for people, especially if you’re looking to be productive later in the day but I notice even for myself that napping can keep me up a little later at night – affecting my sleep and productivity the following morning. Try skipping the nap and see how you sleep!
Eat Earlier
Avoid eating large meals before bed as they can cause discomfort and make it difficult to fall asleep. Try having a light snack right before bed instead.

Eat More Protein
Consuming high quality protein has proven to help adults sleep better
Consistent Bedtime
To improve your sleep, try going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This will help your body get into a routine and improve your sleep quality. It may be tough to do at first, but eventually, your body will get used to it.
If you can’t go to bed at the same time every night, then try to stick as close to a schedule as possible.
Go to Bed Before 10 PM
This first half of the night, literally between ten P.M. and two A.M., potentially provides the most restorative sleep, because only while you sleep deeply can your immune system, your growth hormones, and other repair crews emerge to heal your body from the day’s ravages
from The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions–Today
by Julia Ross
Use Your Bed Wisely
Use your bed only for sleep & sex: Your mind will start associating your bed as a place for only these two things, allowing you to sleep more efficiently over time.

An easy way to improve sleep is by cooling down your sleep environment,
Reduced body temperature and peripheral heat loss promote sleep onset and enhance SWS, and sleep in turn causes a further decrease in body temperature and increases heat loss, thus consolidating sleep.
from Review of Sleep Medicine E-Book by Alon Y. Avidan
Turn Up The AC
Sleep can be improved by turning down the thermostat and keeping a cool environment in your bedroom. This is because when you’re hot, it’s harder to fall asleep and stay asleep
A recent study found that people who slept in cooler temperatures (between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit) reported an overall better quality of sleep than those who slept in warmer temperatures (between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit).
Add A Bed Cooling System
Leaving your Ac on high can get expensive. A bed cooler can give you the same benefits of a cold room but at a fraction of the price.
Bed coolers have been shown in studies to help people get a good night’s rest by reducing their core body temperature so that they can fall into deeper REM sleep cycles.
Upgrade To A Cooling mattress
A cooling mattress is a mattress that has a built-in cooler to help keep you cool at night. If you want an all-in-one option that will give you better sleep this would be great for you
Add Some Cooling sheets to Your Bed
Cooling sheets are a type of sheet that has been designed to help keep you cool at night. They are made from special materials, such as bamboo or cotton, that have been treated with a cooling agent.
Cooling sheets can be a great way to improve your sleep quality, especially during the summer months when the weather is hot and humid.
Turn on A Fan
Fans can benefit your sleep by circulating air around your room and helping to keep you cool. They are a great option if you don’t have AC.

Fans come in all shapes and sizes, so there’s sure to be one that fits your needs!
Take A Cold shower Before Bed

Taking a cold shower before going to bed can decrease your core temperature, helping you to fall asleep faster.
Pro Tip: Cold showers have also been shown to improve your mood and energy levels, which can help waking up in the morning a little bit easier.

Improve your Air Quality
Sorry to be a Debbie downer but this is why you need to add an air filter. It wont just help your sleep but also your health
Air pollution can lead to exposure to foreign particles, air that can be inhaled deep into the lungs and cardiovascular system, causing diseases such as stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and respiratory infections.
from The Importance of Health Informatics in Public Health during a Pandemic
by J. Mantas, A. Hasman, M.S. Househ
Add An Air filter
Try an air filter!
You can improve your sleep by reducing the amount of dust, pollen, and other allergens in your bedroom.
This is because these particles can cause congestion and sneezing, which can make it difficult to fall asleep. Sleep hygiene has a big impact on your sleep.

There is a lot of evidence that adding an air purifier can reduce allergy symptoms
If you have ever had allergies you know how annoying they can be when you’re trying to get some shut-eye. try adding a filter to your room for improved sleep.
Try Out An Essential oil diffuser
Essential oils don’t just smell good. Many essential oils contain powerful compounds that can put you in a relaxed state helping with sleep.

Open A window
Fresh air may help you sleep. Improve your sleep environment by opening windows to allow fresh air in. This can make your room feel calmer and less stuffy. The most effective approach to acquiring fresh air is to open a window or two before going to bed. This will allow the wind from outside to enter your house, lowering the temperature and making you less likely to overheat while sleeping.

Buy An Ionizer
An ionizer is a device that releases negative ions into the air. Negative ions have been shown to improve mood, energy levels, and sleep quality.
Ionizers are a great way to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. They come in all shapes and sizes, so there’s sure to be one that fits your needs!
Add Lots Of Plants
NASA ran a study looking at what plants purify the air and improve sleep the best.

The results of the study showed that plants like the snake plant, aloe vera, and English ivy were the best at purifying the air and improving sleep quality.
Burn some Incense
Burning Incense has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and improve sleep, it is a great way to create a relaxing environment in your bedroom and give you healthy sleep.
Incense has been used for over 6000 years to heal bodily organs and communicate with the gods and goddesses.
Got Dry Air? Add An Air Humidifier
An air humidifier can be useful for people with dry skin, asthma or allergies. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, which can help to relieve congestion and other symptoms of these conditions improving sleep
A essential oil diffuser can act like one if it is placed near your bed (best of both worlds)

Block The Noise
Try Out Some Earplugs
I’m sure you’ve used earplugs before but did you know they can be used for sleep too? They can help your sleep by blocking out noises that may wake you up during the night.
They are relatively inexpensive and a great way to improve your sleep quality, especially if you live in an urban environment or have noisy neighbors!
Give Sleep Headphones A Try
Sleep headphones are a type of headphone that has been specifically designed for people who want to listen to music or audiobooks while they sleep. They are made from soft materials, such as cotton, and have been designed to fit comfortably in your ears
Sleep headphones can be a great way to improve your sleep quality and relaxation. I suggest using ones with a chord to avoid Bluetooth signals next to your head all night.
Use A TV timer

If you like to fall asleep with the TV on, make sure to set a timer so that it turns off after a certain amount of time. This will help you to avoid being disturbed by the sound or light from the TV and will allow you to get deeper sleep.
I would never recommend using tv to help fall asleep, due to the blue light but if you need sound try an audio book.
Try an audiobook
I grew up listening to audiotape bedtime stories and they used to put me right asleep. With today’s technology, you can do the same.
Give A White noise machine a Try
This machine helps with sleep by blocking out other noises that may wake you up during the night. They are relatively inexpensive and a great way to improve your sleep if urban noise is an issue.
Try a [Natural] sound machine
A natural sound machine is a device that plays sounds of nature, such as waves crashing on the shore or wind blowing through the trees. Nature sounds have proven to decrease stress (cortisol) levels which will improve your sleep.

Fix your Lighting
Blue light has been proven to decrease your quality of sleep..
There is published experimental data demonstrating that just 2 hours of evening exposure to bright computer screens emitting blue light decreases sleep duration and, more importantly, dramatically reduces sleep quality
from Integrative Sleep Medicine
by Valerie Cacho, Esther Lum
Limit Your Screen Exposure
Televisions, phones, and tablets all give off blue light which prevents your body from producing melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. Try to avoid screen exposure for at least an hour before bed.
Results from a Harvard study: “The blue light suppressed melatonin for about twice as long as the green light and shifted circadian rhythms by twice as much (3 hours vs. 1.5 hours).”
We want to optimize our circadian rhythm, not shift it 🙂
Swap Out The Light bulbs in your house/room
Replace fluorescent and LED bulbs with incandescent bulbs in your bedroom and other areas where you sleep. Incandescent bulbs emit a warm, yellow light which is less stimulating than fluorescent bulbs.
LED and Fluorescent light bulbs have flicker. This brightness change due to alternating current causes your central nervous system to become heightened. Making sleep more difficult.
Try Red light
You can use red light bulbs around the house or a red light bulb in your room. Red light does not reduce melatonin production like blue light and is less likely to keep you up at night.

Start Using Candlelight
I know a few people who only use candlelight after dark. now this seems a little extra but they swear by its results. Make sure to use healthy candles.

Upgrade Your Night lights
The night light that I grew up with emitted a ton of blue light – which is known to keep you awake. This was not a good thing when I was trying to sleep!
Fortunately, there are now night lights that emit red light instead of blue light so they won’t disturb your sleep as much.
Use a Smart night light
A smart night light is a natural light device that will turn on and off automatically in response to any motion. This can be great for children’s rooms or if you have to go to the bathroom at night.
Wear Blue Light blockers
Your eyes contain photoreceptors that set a 24 hr circadian rhythm cycle
These glasses will help reduce blue light strain from computers and help your body sleep better by increasing melatonin production. When your natural melatonin is high you will get a good night’s sleep.

Here’s Ben Greenfield talking about Ra Optics, a great blue light blocking glasses company:
Use Blackout curtains
Blackout curtains are a must for your bedroom. They block out all light from entering your room and will help you sleep better.

Use A Sleep mask
A sleep mask is another great sleep hack. It blocks out all light and will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep in the early hours of the morning.
Or Add A Weighted sleep mask
A weighted sleep mask accomplishes the same light blocking features of a normal sleep mask but also has the added benefit of being weighted. This can help to reduce tension and stress in the face and neck.

Fix your breathing Issues
Mouth taping
No one knows how to breathe these days with many people breathing through their mouths all day.
This wreaks havoc on your health because it keeps you from entering the parasympathetic (relaxed state).
Mouth taping is a great way to stop yourself from snoring. It can also help to enlargen your nostril airways allowing you to breathe better during the day.
I use athletic tape as it seems to stay on the best during the night.
Bite guards
A bite guard is a device that you wear over your teeth while sleeping. The device prevents your tongue from falling back into the throat, which causes snoring and sleep apnea.
There are many different types of bite guards available on the market today so find one that works well for you! If it doesn’t work out then try another.
Tongue position
Tongue position is another way to prevent snoring. You can do this by holding your tongue against the roof of your mouth while you sleep.
This will keep your airways open and improve your sleep quality. Be mindful of your tongue throughout the day and train yourself to keep your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
CPAP machine
A CPAP machine is a device that helps people with sleep apnea breathe better at night. It delivers pressurized air through a mask to keep the airways open. If you have sleep apnea, then this may be a good option for you.
Talk to your doctor about whether or not CPAP therapy would be right for you!
Snoring strip
A snoring strip is a device that you wear over your nose while sleeping. It helps to keep your airways open and prevents snoring. If you have trouble breathing at night or snore, then this may be a good option for you.
Just be sure to find a quality snoring strip that won’t irritate your skin!
Orthodontic expansion of airway
Orthodontic expansion of the airway is a procedure that can be done by your dentist to help with sleep apnea. Your dentist will widen the back part of your mouth using braces or other tools, which will open up more space in there for breathing at night.
This option may not be right for everyone so talk to your doctor.

Stop Dirty Electronics
Is dirty electricity wreak havoc on your sleep?
Try Shutting off Your Wifi
Try shutting off your wifi at night. It’s an easy way to reduce your exposure to EMFs and other harmful radiation that can affect your sleep.
It’s as easy as buying an electrical outlet timer from Amazon.
Put Your Phone On Airplane Mode
Your phone is constantly looking for signals to connect to when not in airplane mode. these signals can do all sorts of wacky things to your body. Beat these signals by placing your phone in airplane mode or even better put it out of your room.
Remove Electronics from your Bedroom
Go through your room and remove all technologies that connect to wifi or Bluetooth! Dirty electricity is constantly emitted from these devices which can disturb your sleep.
Use an EMF protectant blanket
EMF protectant blankets are a great way to reduce your exposure to EMFs at night. They work by blocking the harmful radiation from entering your body.
If you’re worried about EMFs, then this may be a good option for you! Just be sure to find a quality blanket.

Add An EMF bed canopy
EMF bed canopies are similar to EMF protectant blankets, but they work by blocking the radiation from your entire bed. This is a great option if you’re worried about being exposed to EMFs while you sleep.

Remove the Metal Frame and Springs
Metal frames and springs are excellent antennas for dirty electricity- replace them with wood and non-spring mattresses.
Put Your Phone In A Faraday Bag
If you use your phone as an alarm try putting it in a faraday bag at night. This will protect you from radiation and also reduce the number of notifications that come through while you’re sleeping.

Prioritize Bedtime Nutrition
Eating a snack before bed is a good way to help your body sleep through the night. many people wake up due to low blood sugar (usually 3 am on the dot for me) eating a snack with Carbs, fat, and protein is perfect for balancing blood sugar and helping you sleep.
While there may be an old wives tale that eating before bed is bad. This 2015 study concludes that a small snack can help boost your sleep.
Sleepy tea
Sleepy tea is a blend of herbs that have been traditionally used to induce relaxation and sleep. Chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, passionflower, and skullcap are all great ingredients for a sleepy tea.

Tea types
- Chamomile
- Valerian
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Passion Flower
These teas increase sleep due to beautiful compounds in the herbs “Lemon balm significantly reduces excitatory transmission in the brain by inhibiting an enzyme called GABA-T that breaks down GABA, thus increasing the amount of GABA available in the brain”.
By reducing excitatory enzymes you can fall asleep and stay asleep longer. Add 3g of glycine for a potent sleep concoction!
Ditch the Alcohol
Alcohol may reduce sleep latency, meaning that you will fall asleep faster – Yippee!!!
Unfortunately, the story doesn’t end there.
Avoid alcohol before bed as it will disrupt sleep patterns and may cause you to wake up earlier than usual. It has actually been proven that alcohol lessens how deep you sleep.
If your looking for a good night’s sleep avoid alcohol.

Sleep Position: does it matter?
We spend a third of our life sleeping. Make sure your body is in the right position and not doing more harm than good to your structure.
Side sleeping
This is the most popular position.
Sleeping on your back
This is the second most popular position.
Avoid stomach sleeping
There is no benefit to sleeping on your stomach. this position puts added stress on your lower back and neck. avoid at all costs.
add a pillow between your legs
Benefits of having a pillow between your legs:
1. Can Improve Spinal Alignment
2. Can Alleviate Lower Back Pain
3. May Improve Sleep Posture
4. Can Relieve Muscle Cramps
5. Can Provide Support for Pregnant Women
Face the Head Of Your Bed to the South
A little Woo Woo but sleeping with your head facing South is said to be the best direction for sleeping.
This is because of the earth’s magnetic poles.
The north pole is positive while the south pole is negative.
It is said that our body also acts this way: our head being positive and our feet being negative.
With this in mind, it is best to position our heads opposite of the poles to allow sounder sleep.

Bed Upgrades For Improving Sleep
Prioritize Natural materials
If you want better sleep: Choose a natural mattress if you can afford it. Mattresses that are made of synthetic materials, such as memory foam or polyurethane foam, often contain toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Opt for a mattress made of organic cotton, wool, latex, or bamboo instead.
Volatile organic compounds have been associated with headaches, sore/irritated eyes and throats, and cancer.
Switch to an Incline Mattress
Inclined sleeping not only aids in the treatment of migraines, it can also help reduce blood pressure, prevent water retention, improve varicose veins, and even have the ability to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. This is why many hospital beds have this as an option.
Got Allergies? Get A Mattress protector
This is an easy way to avoid any dust mites or allergens from entering your bed. Mattress protectors will prolong the life of your investment, as well as help you sleep sounder.
Should you get a Firm or soft Mattress?
Is a firm or soft mattress better for sleep? This is a very individual question although generally heavier and older people report sleeping better on a firm mattress.
Mattress clarity did a great write-up on this – check it out here.
Get a bigger bed
Don’t get me wrong, sleeping with someone isn’t the worst thing, but some nights you get your spouse, 3 kids, and a dog, and all of sudden your not sleeping very well.
Buy a bigger bed or the biggest bed and sleep better even when the whole family wants to sleep with you as well.

Purchase a Magnetico sleep pad
The Magnetico Sleep Pad is a magnetic therapy device that can help you sleep better at night. It’s been around since 1995, and it’s one of the best-selling alternative health products on Amazon with over 5000 reviews.
The Magnetico sleep pad has been featured in many popular magazines like Prevention Magazine, Better Nutrition Magazine, and more.
Add A Grounding mat
Grounding mats can be used for sleeping, and are designed to help you get more restful sleep. They work by allowing your body’s natural energy to flow through the mat instead of into it as with most other beds or mattresses on the market today.
Do you remember all those vacations by the ocean. The ones where you slept like a rock after a long day on the beach?
You were grounded all day.
Grounding works by reducing the number of positively charged particles in the body.

Reduce Stress With A Weighted blanket
Weighted blankets help you sleep better by using Deep Touch Pressure (DTP) to create a sense of safety and calm in your body. This is similar to the feeling one gets when being hugged or held close. A weighted blanket can help reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and relieve chronic pain symptoms like fibromyalgia.

Or Try A Weighted comforter
A weighted comforter has the same benefits as a weighted blanket. Just a better option for those looking to simplify the number of blankets they have in their bed.
Upgrade To A Smart mattress
A smart mattress is a mattress that has been designed with technology to help you sleep better. It can do things like track your sleep patterns, adjust the firmness of the mattress to your liking, and even cool or heat the bed to the perfect temperature for sleeping.
Smart mattresses are becoming more and more popular, as people are looking for more ways to increase their quality of sleep.

Pillow Types To improve your sleep
Memory foam pillow
Benefits of a memory foam pillow include the ability to contour to your body, support your head and neck, and help you get into a more comfortable position while you sleep. Memory foam pillows are also hypoallergenic, meaning they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.
I would make an effort to find one that hasn’t been sprayed with chemicals. give the supplier a call, most of the time they can help you out
Down Pillow
The down pillow is the classic pillow that you have probably used most of your life. It definitely gets the job done and is a reliable pillow. if you’re struggling with neck pain try different “fills”.
Do you wake up with a Sore neck? A Neck contour pillow is a must-try
What is a neck contour pillow? A contour pillow is a type of pillow that has been designed to support your head and neck. They are typically made from foam, memory foam, or latex; however, some brands now offer buckwheat hulls as an alternative filling material.
This specific shape works to reduce pressure points in your neck.
Grounded Pillow
Every element of the sleeping process may be aided by grounding: better morning alertness, less nighttime pain, greater daytime vitality, reduced cortisol levels and improved sleep latency (falling asleep). Imagine the benefits it could do for your neck and brain.
I have noticed many vivid dreams since switching my pillow to a grounded pillow.
Hot? Check Out Cooling Pillows
Cooling pillows can help you sleep better by keeping your head cool at night. This is important because when you’re hot, it’s harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Cooling pillows have been shown in studies to help people get a good night’s rest by reducing their core body temperature so that they can fall into deeper REM sleep cycles.
Are you Pregnant? Give a U-shaped body pillow a Go!
What is a U-shaped body pillow? A U-shaped body pillow is a type of pillow that has been designed to support your entire body. It is typically used by pregnant women, as it can help provide relief from back pain, neck pain, and swelling in the ankles and feet.
Experiment With An Armhole pillow
Armhole pillows are good for people who like to sleep on their sides. They are shaped like a U and have an opening in the middle for your arm, which prevents it from falling asleep. Armhole pillows can also help reduce snoring by keeping your airway open

Always on the Move? You Need A Travel pillow
Travel pillows are wonderful for long trips. They’re designed to provide support for your head, neck, and shoulders while sitting in an uncomfortable seat on an airplane, train, or car.
Travel pillows are great because they offer comfort without taking up too much space in your luggage! Plus, most travel pillows have a removable cover that’s machine washable so you don’t worry about

Supplements: Sleep Medicine
Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in the body.
It orchestrates sleep and waking cycles, as well as other bodily processes such as blood pressure and heart rate.
I believe we should always attempt to assist our bodies in producing a little more melatonin the natural way (see lighting section above), but if we need assistance, a melatonin pill may be very beneficial.
However, melatonin isn’t right for everyone. Talk with your doctor before taking any supplement.
Melatonin usage has increased by 500% in the last 20 years.
Liposomal melatonin
Liposomal Melatonin is a liquid supplement that delivers the same benefits as regular melatonin, but it has much higher absorption rates. This means you get more bang for your buck!
I have found from personal experience that using liposomal melatonin is a great way to improve sleep. Start with a small amount and slowly increase as too much can cause you to be very groggy in the morning.
Fun fact: Melatonin can act as a super detoxifier: It detoxifies your body by up-regulating glutathione, also known as the body’s master antioxidant. This fact leads me to believe we should be a little careful supplementing high doses of melatonin as this can lead to some bad herxheimer reactions.
We spoke about how “sleepy teas” can help increase GABA in the brain.
While there is a supplemental way to increase it.
Gaba is a good supplement for sleep because it helps to create a sense of calm and relaxation. It can be helpful for those who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
Try adding this to your bedtime routine and monitor how it improves your sleep.
If you have sleep problems: Glycine is another amino acid that helps improve sleep quality and duration.
It is also thought to increase vivid dreams. Mix some of this sweet powder in with your sleepy tea for a knockout punch.
I first heard about this from Solbrah on Twitter and have recommended it to anyone with sleep problems.

Taurine is an amino acid that is found in high amounts in seafood. This amino acid has also been shown to help people fall asleep and stay asleep. try eating some fish for dinner or get a high-quality supplement.
CBD is a good adjunct to other sleep supplements because it helps to reduce anxiety and stress. It is also a good supplement for those who have issues with pain that wake them up in the middle of the night.
Choose a high-quality brand for healthy sleep.

CBD spray
CBD spray is an easy way to get CBD into your body. The sprays are usually tasteless and easy to use
You can also just rub it on your skin for a topical effect!
I recommend using the highest quality CBD products you can find. This will give you the best results in terms of effectiveness and safety.
Vaporizer pen
A vaporizer pen is a great way to get the benefits of CBD and other sleep aids in one inhalation. Many of the pens on the market contain melatonin and herbs like valerian and chamomile.
The effects of the pen are usually felt within minutes, which makes it great for those who need help falling asleep quickly and effectively.
Just be sure to use a high-quality vaporizer pen that doesn’t contain any toxins or additives.
Valerian root
Valerian root is an herb that has been used for centuries to help people sleep. It is a great herb to take if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.
Valerian root can be found in pill form, as a tea, or in a tincture. Be sure to talk with your doctor before taking it.
Cherry juice
Cherry juice is a great way to get some sleep-promoting melatonin into your body. Try drinking it before bed or adding it to a smoothie throughout the day

You can also take cherry juice extract in pill form if that’s more convenient for you! Just be sure to talk with your doctor first and make sure it won’t interact with any.

De-stressing with relaxing Activities
Journaling can aid in the REM cycle by allowing you to express your thoughts on paper. It may also aid in stress relief. Every night, try journaling for 15 minutes before going to bed! If you’re having trouble falling asleep, this is a fantastic activity that might help you relax and sleep easier.

Reading before bed is a great way to relax and fall asleep. Go ahead and choose a book that you’re interested in or one that’s relaxing. If you have trouble falling asleep, try reading for 30 minutes before going to bed.
Listen to audiobook
Listening to audiobooks can be a great way to fall asleep. If you’re someone who has trouble reading before bed, try listening to an audiobook instead! It’s a great way to relax and fall asleep.
Meditation can be a great way to relax and fall asleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try meditating for 20 minutes before bed. You may find that it helps you sleep better!

Prayers can be a great way to relax and fall asleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try praying for 15 minutes before bed. You may find that it helps you sleep better!
Yoga can be a great way to relax and fall asleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try doing some yoga for 20 minutes before bed. You may find that it helps you sleep better!
Stretching is great for sleep. tight muscles can make it hard for you to get comfortable in bed, which may cause insomnia. Try doing some simple stretches before going to sleep!
Stretch your neck by tilting it from side to side or up and down, then do a few circles with your head. Stretching out the muscles around this area can help relax them so that they don’t disturb you when you’re trying to sleep.
Trigger pointing
Trigger pointing is my favorite way to relax my muscles. It’s a great way to reduce tension in your body and helps you fall asleep quickly.
If you’re looking for a relaxing activity that will help you sleep, try trigger pointing! You may find that it makes a big difference for you.
Saunas can be a great way to relax and fall asleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try going to the sauna for 30 minutes before bed. You may find that it helps you sleep better!
Magnesium bath
Magnesium baths provide a very healthy and relaxing way to unwind at night. They’re also great for reducing stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. you don’t need to add magnesium flakes, a warm bath will also do the trick.

If you have trouble sleeping, try taking a magnesium bath before bedtime! You may find that it helps you sleep better.

Quiet Your Mind, Fall Asleep Faster
Try Some Counting Exercises
Try counting from 100 back down to zero. This can help you relax and release any tension in your body, which will make you fall asleep easier
Counting backward like this is a great way to unwind before bedtime! It helps relax the mind so it’s not as distracted by thoughts that may keep you awake at night.
Give Yourself A Body scan
If you have trouble sleeping, try doing a body scan before bed. This is where you focus on each part of your body in turn and relax it with breathing exercises or gentle stretching. You may find that this helps you fall asleep easier!
Try Autogenic training
What is autogenic training?
It’s a method of relaxation that involves focusing on your breathing and body.
You start by lying down with your eyes closed, then repeat phrases like “I am calm” or “my hands are warm” to yourself as you focus on them individually. Relaxing your mind.
Perform Progressive muscle contraction
This is another relaxation technique that can help you get better sleep. It involves contracting and relaxing individual muscles one at a time, starting with your feet and moving up to your head
If you’re looking for a way to relax your body before bed, try progressive muscle contraction! You may find that it makes sleeping easier.
Use Imagery
Imagery is the process of imagining yourself in the first person calm and relaxed. You can do this in a number of different ways, such as picturing yourself on a beach or in a peaceful forest.
Sleep Quality Tracking Technologies
These are all very popular sleep tracking devices. I am working on a review article now.
Fitbit Versa
Biostrap Active Set
Sleepon Go2Sleep Tracker
Tempur-Pedic Sleeptracker
Withings Sleep -Sleep Tracking Pad
Wellue O2Ring

Magical Sleep Protocol
The routine below is my current routine for going to sleep.
My Routine
I wake up in the morning and get my eyes towards the sun. This sets my circadian rhythm.
Start my workout at 3:30 PM – well before my bed time.
Eat my big dinner at 5:30 PM – also well before my bedtime.
Shut off blue light in my house as soon as the sun goes down.
My room
I have made my room a cave.
I use organic cotton sheets. (avoid any blend that can have a harmful effect on your hormones)
I keep the temp of my room around 63 degrees (or as cold as possible) .
My two windows are covered by blackout curtains. (I cant see my hand in front of my face)
I use a fan for white noise. (my street isnt very loud but I find this helps)
My bed has a grounded sleep mat and pillow
House wifi is on a timer so it automatically shuts off between 11 PM and 6 AM. (I wouldnt use wifi but my roomates “need it” lol)
7 PM
I put on my blue light blocking glasses on so that my body can start making melatonin. (you should do this 2 hrs before your planned bedtime)
I usually spend the next hour working on my blog/business, watching tv, or cleaning up around the house.
8 PM
My snack/ Drink: I touched on this earlier but it can be very helpful to eat a snack right before sleep. This helps top off your glycogen stores in the liver which is important for staying in the parasympathetic state (relaxed state) the whole night.
Note: if I don’t do this I wake up at 3 AM almost every night. If you have this issue get up and have a snack – it will help you fall right back asleep
I put the sleepy tea on the stove.
I just select one from the list we covered earlier – lemon balm has been my jam lately.
Then I add gelatin to my cup and let it bloom as the tea simmers.
With this I usually just have a spoonful of raw, unheated honey or maple syrup to top off my liver’s glycogen stores.
I take at least 2 grams of taurine to increase Gaba
8:30 PM
Next I lay on a ball, or sit, or sometimes stand. Trigger pointing has become my favorite way to relax. The deep muscle release just helps my body melt into bed.
Try yoga or stretching if trigger pointing isnt your thing.
Sometimes ill throw on some relaxing music and the essential oil diffuser.
9:00 PM
I climb into bed and write down my plan for the next day and any lingering thoughts about my day. This gives me a sense of accomplishment that I have achieved stuff for the day and makes my next day easier.
9:15 PM
“I sleep like a baby” (but like one of the good ones, not the ones that wake up 5 times a night).
Wrap Up
There are a lot of different ways to sleep better!
Some people find that meditating, praying, doing yoga or stretching helps them sleep better.
Others find that trigger pointing, taking a magnesium bath or doing progressive muscle contraction before bedtime makes a big difference.
Whatever works for you, make sure to try it and see if it helps you sleep better! Good luck!
Do you have any favorite sleep hacks? Share them in the comments below!
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