Bentonite Clay Detox

Do you want to know all the ways you can use a bentonite clay detox to improve your skin? This mineral-rich clay has many benefits for your skin, and can be used internally, externally as a mask, and even in a bathtub!

Keep reading to learn more about how bentonite clay can help improve your complexion, remove toxins from your body, and soothe irritated skin.

What is Bentonite Clay?

Bentonite clay is a type of clay that is derived from volcanic ash. It’s rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron, which can be beneficial for your skin.

Bentonite clay has been used for centuries by different cultures. The Native Americans used it as a healing mud, while the Ancient Egyptians used it to purify and detoxify their skin. Bentonite clay was also used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat skin conditions.

When Should You Use Bentonite Clay?

You can use bentonite clay whenever you feel like your skin or body needs a boost. If you’re dealing with a skin condition like acne, eczema, or psoriasis, bentonite clay can help soothe your symptoms and speed up the healing process.

How to Use Bentonite Clay Internally?

The immune system and the gut are closely connected, so it’s no surprise that bentonite clay can help improve your skin by cleansing your gut. When you take bentonite clay internally, it binds to toxins and heavy metals in your gut and helps remove them from your body. This can lead to clearer skin and fewer breakouts.

Benefits of taking clay internally

  • Bentonite clay can help to absorb toxins in the gut and improve digestion.
  • It can also help to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.
  • Bentonite clay can also help to regulate bowel movements and relieve constipation. (non-swelling clay)
  • Additionally, bentonite clay can help to heal leaky gut syndrome and other digestive disorders

How to Take Bentonite Clay Internally

If you’re going to use bentonite clay internally, it’s important to make sure that you buy food-grade bentonite clay. This type of bentonite clay is safe to consume and has been purified to remove any impurities.

To use bentonite clay internally, mix one teaspoon of clay with eight ounces of water or juice. Drink this mixture once a day on an empty stomach.

I’ve found it’s easiest to add to your diet by incorporating it in your morning glass of water.

The benefits of Bentonite Skin on your skin

Photo by Isabell Winter on Unsplash

How can Bentonite Clay Improve Your Skin?

Bentonite clay can help improve your complexion by absorbing excess oil and removing impurities from your skin. It can also help to detoxify the body by drawing out toxins and helping to balance the pH of your skin. Additionally, bentonite clay can soothe irritated skin and reduce inflammation.

How to Make a Bentonite Clay Mask?

If you want to use bentonite clay externally, mix one tablespoon of clay with two tablespoons of water to form a paste. Apply the paste to your face and let it sit for 15-20 minutes

Why Clay Baths are Phenomenal For Your Health

Let’s first talk about how your body detoxes

The lymph system is a network of complex vessels and organs that help to filter out toxins and waste from the body. The lymph system also helps to boost the immune system and fight infection.

When it is operating properly, toxins are able to flow out of the body rapidly. Many of our lymph systems, on the other hand, have been clogged over time, allowing your body to reabsorb these poisons.

This is where the clay bath comes in. The clay bath draws out toxins through the skin, skipping the colon, and simplifying the detox process.

Clay baths are a great way to remove toxins from your body. The clay will help to pull out impurities and toxins from your skin, while the warm water will help to relax your muscles and ease any tension you may be feeling.

How to Take a Clay Bath

To take a bentonite clay bath, add one cup of clay to your bathtub filled with warm water. Soak in the tub for 30-60 minutes to allow the clay to work its magic on your skin.

You can also add other ingredients like Epsom salt or essential oils to your clay bath for additional benefits.

How Often Should You Take a Clay Bath?

You can take a clay bath once or twice a week. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to start with once a week and increase the frequency as your skin becomes more accustomed to the clay.

Different Types of Bentonite Clay

There are two main types of bentonite clay: bentonite and montmorillonite. Bentonite clay is formed from weathering volcanic ash, while montmorillonite clay is created from the decomposition of organic matter. Both types of clay are effective in drawing out toxins and impurities from the skin.

Bentonite clay is the most commonly used type of clay in clay baths. It is known for its ability to absorb toxins and impurities from the skin.

Montmorillonite clay is less commonly used in clay baths but it is still effective in detoxifying the body. This type of clay is more drying than bentonite clay, so it is not recommended for people with dry skin.

Wrap Up

Bentonite clay is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your health in many ways. Taking bentonite clay internally can help to detoxify your body and remove impurities that will affect your skin. 

Try incorporating bentonite clay into your health routine to see the amazing benefits for yourself!

What are your favorite ways to use bentonite clay? Let us know in the comments below!

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